What am I good at?

What am I good at?

Let's start with the not-so-great part: I don't have all the answers to that question. I can listen to your problems, accept you for who you are, and offer support and understanding. But figuring out who you truly are is something only you can do. On a brighter note, I believe most people already have a sense of their identity and what makes them happy. They might not know exactly how to express that identity or achieve their dreams, and that's where I can help. If you're unsure about who you are and what you want, I think that given the chance and without any pressure, you can figure it out. 

Fear not, discovering your authentic self is not as intimidating as it appears. Delving into the question of "Who do you think you are?" is like playing a game, something even your teenage self could do.

In various storytelling adventures, the initial step often involves choosing a character. Let's consider a popular fantasy novel where you can select to embody a brave warrior, skilled in combat but vulnerable to magic spells, or a wise wizard, proficient in magic but physically frail. Alternatively, you might decide to be a cunning rogue, adept at stealth and thievery, or a noble paladin, sworn to uphold justice and protect the innocent. Each character brings a unique set of strengths and weaknesses to the narrative, shaping the course of the story in different ways.

You choose your warrior based on their strengths (while recognizing their vulnerabilities). Which one resonates with your combat style and yields the most advantageous results for you? Maybe you possess quick reflexes and are ready to embrace the challenge of a swift but lightly armored warrior to consistently outmaneuver opponents. Perhaps the appeal of stealth surpasses the thrill of direct confrontation with enemies. It all boils down to what aligns best with your fighting approach.

Now, why not seize this opportunity to pinpoint some strengths and weaknesses that hold more relevance in your daily life? Are you outgoing? Reserved? Large? Petite? Eccentric? Self-absorbed, challenging, pessimistic, or unconventional? And where do these traits fit in the grand scheme of things? Feel free to jot down a few of them now.

Transitioning to the subsequent phase of the battle: choosing a "realm" to venture into. In the domain of warriors, this would typically involve selecting a battleground like the Enchanted Forest, the Volcanic Wastelands, or the Crystal Caves, among a myriad of others. Each battlefield presents its own advantages and challenges, but your choice would be influenced by the thrill it offers YOU. This is a criterion that should be relatively easy to define, right? Similarly, in the journey of life, you have the opportunity to opt for various paths: a defender of the realm in the castle, an explorer of distant lands, a benefactor to the needy, a champion gladiator, or even a victor in culinary competitions. You can even assume multiple roles concurrently, recognizing that metaphors are not flawless, and life is significantly more intricate than a battle scenario. Nonetheless, only you can discern which path(s) genuinely bring you joy. What does your ideal world as a warrior entail? Attempt to craft a sentence or two that captures its essence. Jotting down these reflections can be enlightening. Trust in the process.

Ready to embark on the next stage? Excellent, let's delve into the scenario when you step out of the two-dimensional boundaries of the Warrior's Realm: When confronted with real-life choices that influence your genuine happiness, do you chart your own path, create your own warrior persona, and leverage your strengths? Or do you settle for the role assigned by external forces? Do you feel at ease, secure, and self-assured in your decisions? Or are you merely aiming to navigate through life without being overtaken by unexpected challenges, akin to avoiding a surprise attack by a formidable opponent?

These are the tough questions, and yes, rebelling against the conventional, or unpopular facets of one's personality, lifestyle, or values often leads to merely "getting by" instead of fully embracing and expressing one's true self. Regardless of the form your individuality takes – whether you're a princess, a plumber, or a koopa – it holds no sway over me. It also doesn't impact your capacity to derive value from my guidance. You being true to yourself transcends boundaries of sex, gender, age, culture, and socioeconomic status.

To stop you from Lowest Common Denominator Living, we must redefine your connection with yourself and the world around you. Once again, this process is not as daunting as it may seem. Before delving into that complex dynamic, let's next address your relationship with yourself. 

What are your aspirations, needs, and entitlements to reach those goals? What brings you joy? What excites you?

Answer these questions will start to give your compass a guiding point to where you're going to go next.